Case Study:

Case Study:

Great Learning’s


In March of 2020, COVID sent everybody indoors for sustained periods of time. Nowhere in the country was hit harder than NYC. The memorial and museum were closed indefinitely and the impact stymied their ability to continue to expand.

Using the True Affinity Social Graph, Affinity Answers created composite segments of users who have engaged with New York tourist travel brands and sites like The Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, The MoMA, among others. Identifying those most likely to visit museums and other tourist and travel attractions was the key to driving visitation back to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.


The results were outstanding. Our audience segments were able to beat all previous benchmarks, including a 187% improvement in qualified leads.

Popular Segments

Affinity Answers > Interest > Education > Private Colleges & Universities

Affinity Answers > Interest > Education > Public Colleges & Universities

Affinity Answers > Interest > Education > Early Childhood Education

Affinity Answers > Interest > Education > Adult & Continued Education

Affinity Answers > Intent > Online Learning > Great Education

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