Google’s FLoCs Take Flight, Ruffling a Few Feathers

Google’s solution to ending third-party cookies promises heightened individual privacy via group targeting, but some critics see it as yet another power consolidation in Google’s methodical, meticulous, and years-long conquering of the internet. As Chrome, the most popular web browser, starts its new cookieless life, elements of uncertainty still linger, fueling criticisms towards the tech…

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Will 2021 be a programmatic pick-me-up?


2020 didn’t destroy us—it only made us stronger. While certain industries were devastated by the raging COVID-19 pandemic, others flourished, and ultimately all industries faced a forced evolution that only accelerated how brands interact with audiences digitally. With the worst of the pandemic presumably behind us, the world is looking to reactivate, and marketers are…

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What can mechanic’s tools teach us about data?


At one point or another, we’ll find ourselves staring into an auto mechanic’s garage. I remember the first time I looked into one, I was amazed. Taken aback really. It seemed like there were tools from floor to ceiling. I found myself wondering if they even knew how to use each tool. How did they…

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Fan Data Measures Authenticity in Sponsorships


For brands and digital marketers, the right sponsorship can leverage mutual audience affinities to propel a product or service to success, but not every partnership is as gold as it might seem. Identifying and analyzing the shared interests and behaviors of each fan base is crucial in predicting the success of any potential partnership. Accurate,…

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Ecommerce is shattering records. Will it continue with holiday shoppers?

The retail landscape has significantly altered over the past few months, with record ecommerce numbers replacing foot traffic and ushering in an unprecedented holiday shopping season. While many brick and mortar stores will struggle to survive the year, ecommerce and click and collect are expected to continue encouraging massive online shopper audiences. With online shopping…

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